Upcoming Classes


Managing Emotional Overwhelm 6 week online course July 20-August 31, 2020


You are stressed and you want to feel better but you don't want to take drugs (legal or otherwise). Feel like you can't keep up? Exhausted from everyday demands? Having moments when you are flooded with emotion and can't think? Feeling like something important is missing? You may even be feeling like an imposter in your own life. This 6 week online course with 21 videos, weekly group Zoom calls, group guided meditations, and a private Facebook group gives you the understanding and skills you need to easily navigate your life with control over your mental and emotional “state” and “soundtrack” and most importantly your Sovereignty - your feeling of absolute power and control over your own life.

Eliminating Negative Self-Talk

Do you day critical things to yourself that you would never say out loud to your daughter or your best friend? That nasty voice is getting in the way of your happiness and self-confidence. What if you could turn off that inner critic?

Wednesday, April 22nd 1pm - 2:30pm Bellingham Senior Activity Center 315 Halleck St Bellingham, WA


The Secret Language of Feelings

Many of us grew up being taught to ignore our own feelings, taught by well-meaning parents and teachers to "behave" and to do what was expected. Our own natural feelings about events and situations were often completely ignored.

Your feelings are there for a reason, and you can use them to guide you as you improve your life and increase your happiness. All feelings are good. Yes, even the "bad" ones are good. They are like indicator lights on a car dashboard. They give us valuable information. But what to do about these feelings? And especially the "bad" feelings?

That's what this class is about. By harnessing your feelings, which arise from your inner self, you can begin to make changes in how you perceive and how you respond to the many situations that arise on a daily basis.  It is not necessary to change the people around you to improve your own life. 

I'll take you through a step by step process to help you learn to use your feelings to improve your life, starting the very same day. Course fee includes a copy of the book "The Secret Language of Feelings" by Cal Banyan.

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020 1pm - 2:30pm Bellingham Senior Activity Center 315 Halleck St Bellingham, WA


Breaking Bad Habits

Do you have a habit that is getting in the way of a satisfying life? Habits can be broken. Kathie is the “BAD HABIT HACKER”. Learn why habits are so easy to get and so hard to break.

Katherine Hardy is a Board Certified Hypnotherapist also known as “The Bad Habit Hacker”. She is the Author of "Migraine Relief with Hypnosis” and the upcoming book “Quit Smoking for Good Without Gaining Weight”

June 3rd 2020 1:00pm-2:30pm

Bellingham Senior Activity Center 315 Halleck St Bellingham


Past Classes: Binaural Beats


Learn a proven and easy way to decrease stress and anxiety, enjoy unpleasant tasks, and get quality sleep.

Binaural Beats take advantage of how your brain is wired. They can help you relax, sleep better, study more effectively, improve your memory, increase creativity. In this class, Kathie walks you through an introduction to Binaural Beats: what they are, how they work, and how you can incorporate them into your life. Kathie will give attendees her RELAXATION and SLEEP hypnosis recordings with Binaural Beats (via download), and guidance about where to find other high quality recordings on the internet. 

Katherine Hardy is a 5-PATH® Hypnotherapist practicing in Bellingham, WA. Her 39 year nursing career and her 20 years of playing the Celtic Harp professionally contributed to her interest in Binaural Beats and their helpful applications. That interest grew when she became a hypnotherapist and realized the life-changing benefit of Binaural Beats for her clients. She has used Binaural Beats personally for 8years.  www.SalishSeaHypnosis.com

February 12th 2020 1:00pm 

Bellingham Senior Activity Center 315 Halleck St Bellingham


Past Classes: Caring For Caregivers

You had an idea of what the “Golden Years” would be. You may have planned travel, hobbies, free time, but then your plans got derailed by the needs of other people. You or someone you know may be spending your time caring for partners, children, parents or grandchildren. You may love these people dearly, but the constant concern, work and worry can be overwhelming. 

Kathie Hardy and has been an RN for 39 years, working in ICUs, ERs, and Home Health Agencies. She is intimately knowledgeable about the experience of “burnout”, and the difficulties of everyday caregiving. She became a Hypnotist after realizing the benefits of hypnosis for changing habits, behaviors, addictions, and managing physical and emotional pain. She is the bestselling author of “Migraine Relief with Hypnosis” just out on Amazon. She is especially interested in helping people learn coping strategies to manage life successfully and joyfully. 

Kathie will walk you through six tension reducing techniques based on recent developments in neuroscience. You will be able to use these at home immediately. A handout is provided. You may participate in a pleasant 20 minute guided meditation at the end which will leave you feeling refreshed and energized. 

Wednesday, July 17th, 2019 10:30-12:00pm Bellingham Senior Activity Center 315 Halleck St Bellingham, WA


Future Class: Why Hypnosis Works When Everything Else Has Failed

Everybody knows of someone who was finally able to lose weight or stop smoking with hypnosis. But how does it work?  What happens in your brain during hypnosis? Are there side effects? Can anyone be hypnotized? What could you use hypnosis for?

Future Class: 7th Path Self-Hypnosis

A mind-body-spirit approach to inner peace that is easier to learn than meditation 

Future Class: Migraine Relief with Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis

Kathie Hardy, Author (Ranked #1 bestseller in three categories the week it was released on Amazon!) of “Migraine Relief with Hypnosis”, shares an overview of her bestselling book. Find out how you, or (someone you love) can get out from under the soul-crushing pain of migraine headaches and get your life back.

Future Class: Preparing For Surgery and Recovery using Hypnosis

Kathie Hardy brings nearly 40 years of nursing expertise to her Hypnosis practice and describes how hypnosis can help you decrease the stress and discomfort of surgery and improve your recovery.

Future Class: Stress Relief and Better Sleep

Kathie Hardy has a full time hypnosis practice in the BellinghamTowers building in the Arts District of Bellingham, WA. This class cover the physiology of the stress response and anti-anxiety techniques that allow you to manage stress. Presentation includes an optional guided meditation and a sleep handout. Hypnosis Recordings for RELAXATION and SLEEP are available for free via download from her website at www.SalishSeaHypnosis.com. Use headphones or earbuds to take advantage of the relaxing Binaural Beats.

Future Class: Quit Smoking Without Gaining an Ounce! THE QUIT NOW® method

In this class, based on Kathie Hardy’s second book Quit Smoking for Good Without Gaining Weight: the QUIT NOW® Method” Kathie describes the neuroscience behind addiction and why hypnosis is so famously effective to help clients quit for good.

Future Class: What is Hypnosis and Can I Be Hypnotized?

Get your questions answered about Hypnosis and how it works. Find out whether you can be hypnotized and what you might be able to use hypnosis for in your life.

Future Class: Hypnosis Sessions in Your Home by ZOOM

In this class, Board-Certified Hypnotherapist Kathie Hardy explains how Hypnosis can work for you from the comfort of your own home. A functioning computer, the ability to use gmail, and a stable internet connection are required. You can learn how you can be hypnotized in your own home using the Zoom conferencing application. Some clients feel more comfortable discussing personal issues when the hypnotist is on the computer screen, and not in the same room. This option is useful for clients who are not able to go in person to the hypnotist of their choice. On-line Hypnosis is available at Salish Sea Hypnosis via Zoom.

For Hypnotists: Brainwave Entrainment: Using Binaural Beats to Get Your Clients Deeper Quicker

Learn how binaural beats and brainwave entrainment can kick your hypnosis practice up a notch. Binaural beats can help you assist your clients into a deeper state of hypnosis faster, leaving you more time for the session and increasing their success and happiness. This presentation was given at the National Guild of Hypnotists Annual Convention Boston, MA, August 9, 2019, and again in August 2021 at the virtual conferencein one hour and two hour formats at the invitation of the Conference Directors.

For Hypnotists: When Your Client Mentions Suicide

Presenting October 3rd 2021 5-PATH® Hypnosis Symposium Plano, Texas

Your client states he is suicidal. What should you do? 

This WILL happen to you. Most hypnotists are not formally educated mental health professionals. You may not have the clinical background to be comfortable talking to and helping people who are reporting suicidal thoughts. You do not need to be a Mental Health or Emergency Department expert. 

You do need to plan ahead and have a helpful response ready. 

In this presentation you will learn: 

Basic Facts You Need to Know: A Brief Overview of Suicide

How to Respond in the Moment to Your Client’s Disclosure of Suicidal Thoughts

How to Decide if You Should Take/Keep Them as a Client

Red Flags and What To Do

The Extent of Your Responsibility

What is Helpful and What is Not Helpful

Self Care For The Hypnotist After This Encounter 

Kathie Hardy is a Board Certified 5-PATH® Hypnotherapist with nearly 40 years of full-time nursing experience, half of which was in the Emergency Department. In addition to working with people in the midst of psychiatric crises, Kathie experienced the death of a loved one by suicide. She sought solace through a Suicide Survivor Support Group and subsequently was a co-facilitator of that group for three years. She is eminently qualified to walk you through your ideal professional response, a response that differs from that expected from medical professionals. October 3, 2020 5-PATH® Hypnosis Symposium, Dallas TX.

For Hypnotists: Working on Migraines Using 5-PATH ® & 7th Path Kathie Hardy - 2 hours.

Presenting at 5-PATH® Symposium October 4th 2021. Plano, Texas

Migraine headaches are complicated, but your use of 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self Hypnosis® streamlines your hypnosis planning. You can help your clients return to lives that are more comfortable and satisfying with energy, clarity and enthusiasm to take care of themselves and their families. 

Participants will learn: 

Why migraine headache pain is different from other types of pain

Common causes of migraine headache pain and how hypnosis impacts these

Strategies to help clients get the most from the insights they gain

How to customize Direct Suggestions to help your clients obtain relief 

Three Case Studies: In this presentation, Kathie Hardy describes three case studies: the stories of Sidney, Jody and Marilyn. You will learn how the insights they gained through the 5PATH® therapy process allowed them more control and comfort in their lives, allowing them to make changes that decreased headaches dramatically. 

Kathie Hardy is a Board Certified 5-PATH® Hypnotherapist and 7th Path Self Hypnosis® Teacher with a private practice in Bellingham, WA. She left a successful career in Nursing Administration and in bedside nursing in ICU and Emergency Departments after realizing the impact hypnosis can have in helping people overcome addictions, change habits and behaviors, and manage pain. Kathie’s lifelong struggle with Migraine Headaches and her experience finding relief through 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® resulting in her authorship of the bestselling book "Migraine Relief With Hypnosis”.

For Hypnotists: Smoking Cessation QUIT NOW® system: Quit Smoking without Gaining Weight

Proposal: National Guild of Hypnotists. Annual Convention Boston, MA  August 2022

For Hypnotists: Dealing with the Difficulties of Sexual Assault Disclosure: Do’s & Don’t’s

Proposal: National Guild of Hypnotists. Annual Convention Boston, MA  August 2022


Migraine Relief with Hypnosis Katherine Hardy RN MS MBA CH

Publisher: Morgan James. #1 Amazon bestseller in Kindle format and Audible format, and print copies in bookstores May 2020


Quit Smoking For Good With Hypnosis Without Gaining Weight! Katherine Hardy RN MS MBA BCH

#1 Amazon Bestseller Kindle format July 2020
